
Monday to Saturday
8-10 AM and 4-6 PM
By Appointment ONLY during these hours
Sunday and Holidays
Scheduling appointments, during the posted hours, not only helps to avoid driveway congestion at the Cat Retreat, but also allows our support staff to organize the day to care for your loved ones.
Holidays include: New Years; Memorial Day; 4th of July; Labor Day; Thanksgiving; and Christmas
All boarders must be currently vaccinated against FVRCP and Rabies. Written verification from your Veterinarian is required.
COVID-19 Policy
We are doing driveway drop off and pick up. We’ll meet you at your car (of course we’ll be wearing a mask) and take your kitty from you, get them settled in their room and return the carrier to you before you leave.

We’ll go over all new paperwork with you and any changes to care before you leave.

We really appreciate you helping keep us and you safe.
You may bring almost any personal items you wish for your cat to have in his/her room. All rooms are furnished with fleece throws, fleece beds, ceramic food and water dishes, and a litter box with either pine pellets or clumping clay litter. A stool, covered with a fleece throw, is provided in each room, offering a place for nervous kitties to hide. If you forget your kitty's toys, we can provide them.
We strongly recommend you to bring something that has your scent on it - for example: recently worn clothing or a pillow case (if your kitty sleeps in bed with you). This often helps them settle.
We provide Royal Canin dry food and a variety of canned foods at NO additional cost. If your kitty is accustommed to a different kind of food, please bring it with you - a storage container with a lid works better than a plastic bag.
The temperature in the Cat Retreat is usually kept between 68 and 72 degrees, so most cats are toastie warm. If your kitty needs an additional heat source, we can heat the microwavable heat discs that can be inserted into cat beds to help older cats maintain body heat.
Please bring all medications, special diets and treats that your cats will need while at the Cat Retreat. Clear instructions on medications, doses, etc. can be written on the Registration Form.

Things NOT to bring for better boarding experience

Cats with a viral upper respiratory infection:
If your cat develops an abrupt onset of sneezing, watery eye discharge, or nasal congestion just prior to their scheduled boarding time, we may decline to board them. This decision would be made in consultation with your veterinarian. Upper respiratory infections (URI's) are highly contagious between cats. Since no vaccine provides 100% protection against these viral infections, an infected cat could cause illness in other boarders.
Please make sure your cat is free of fleas when he/she arrives at the Cat Retreat. If your cat is not currently on a flea treatment regimen, please treat them for fleas 1 week prior to their visit to the Cat Retreat.

If we see fleas on your cat or evidence of fleas (flea droppings) in your cat's room, we immediately apply Advantage to your cat, move your cat to a clean room then disinfect their original room and contents. The fees associated with this are as follows:

Provide and apply Advantage - $10.00 per cat


Disinfect room and contents - $35.00 per room

To avoid these fees, please treat your cat(s) for fleas 1 week prior to visiting Arnold Creek Cat Retreat.
Plug-in Heat Pads or Portable Heaters:
For safety reasons, we are not able to use these appliances in the Cat Retreat.
Arnold Creek Cat Retreat logo
Mon - Sat: 8AM - 6PM (calls, emails)
Mon - Sat: 8-10AM - 4-6PM (visits by prior appointments)