Private Rooms with a View

An exterior view of Arnold Creek Cat Retreat
Private rooms at Arnold Creek Cat Retreat
An exterior view of Arnold Creek Cat Retreat
An exterior view of Arnold Creek Cat Retreat

Our feline guests enjoy their own bright and airy room (NOT cage) with all the amenities required for a comfortable stay, including soft, clean bedding, shelves to perch on, food and water dishes, a litter box and toys. Each guest suite features a big picture window to give kitty-cat a “birds-eye” view of the outdoor world where they may enjoy lovely views of the gardens or the forested backyard. Rooms average 6′ x 4′ and are walk-in high with 7′ ceilings.

Only cats from the same household are allowed to share a room. All guests are provided the opportunity to frolic in the main room at least three times each day during feeding, cleaning and play time. Cats from different households will NOT be in contact with one another.

To help calm your kitty, in his/her new surroundings, Arnold Creek Cat Retreat uses a Feliway Cat Pheromone diffuser.

A view of the garden at Arnold Creek Cat Retreat

More photos of private rooms

Private rooms at Arnold Creek Cat Retreat
Two cats in Arnold Creek Cat Retreat
Arnold Creek Cat Retreat logo
Mon - Sat: 8AM - 6PM (calls, emails)
Mon - Sat: 8-10AM - 4-6PM (visits by prior appointments)