
The Cat Retreat books up quickly, particularly during around the holidays and prime vacation months. To ensure you get your preferred lodging dates, we recommend booking your cat’s room as far in advance as possible.

Please use this form to make a reservation request. We’ll contact you to confirm your reservation.

If we do NOT contact you within 24-48 hours, please phone us – sometimes our system has hairball problems.

    Address information

    Have you visited us before?

    Has your kitty(s) been vaccinated since its last visit?

    Booking details

    Please note: we are closed on Sundays and major holidays for check-ins/-outs

    Check-in date and time

    Check-out date and time

    Guest(s) name(s)

    Subscribe to our newsletters

    Arnold Creek Cat Retreat logo
    Mon - Sat: 8AM - 6PM (calls, emails)
    Mon - Sat: 8-10AM - 4-6PM (visits by prior appointments)