How many cats would you like to board? 123
Living Environment:IndoorOutdoor
Litter preference:ClayPine pelletsWorld’s Best
All boarders must be currently vaccinated against FVRCP and Rabies. Written verification from your Veterinarian is required.
We understand travel arrangements are fraught with unexpected changes and that sometimes cancellations are necessary. If you need to cancel, PLEASE give us as much notice as possible so that we can offer the room to another guest.
Within One Week of Scheduled Arrival (non-Holiday)
Within Three Days of Scheduled Arrival
Within One Week of a Holiday Reservation
Within Three Days of a Holiday Reservation
I give permission to use pictures and videos of my cats on social media
I agree that, if the staff at Arnold Creek Cat Retreat sees fleas or evidence of fleas on my cat during his/her stay, they may apply Advantage and move my cat to a clean room. I understand this will incur an additional fee. In the event that my cat develops symptoms that suggest he/she may have an infectious disease or some other illness, I understand that Arnold Creek Cat Retreat will attempt to contact me or my local contact person. In the event that neither I nor my local contact person can be contacted, I authorize Arnold Creek Cat Retreat to seek the advice of the above named veterinarian or another veterinarian if the above named is unavailable. I expect Arnold Creek Cat Retreat to follow the veterinarian’s advice. I accept total responsibility for any and all veterinary fees incurred. I understand that any visit to the veterinarian’s office on behalf of my cat will incur a $50.00 round trip fee.